PermissionsBuilder class

Builder for permissions.



PermissionsBuilder({bool? addReactions, bool? administrator, bool? attachFiles, bool? banMembers, bool? changeNickname, bool? connect, bool? createInstantInvite, bool? createPrivateThreads, bool? createPublicThreads, bool? deafenMembers, bool? embedLinks, bool? kickMembers, bool? manageChannels, bool? manageEmojisAndStickers, bool? manageEvents, bool? manageGuild, bool? manageMessages, bool? manageNicknames, bool? manageRoles, bool? manageThreads, bool? manageWebhooks, bool? mentionEveryone, bool? moderateMembers, bool? moveMembers, bool? muteMembers, bool? prioritySpeaker, bool? readMessageHistory, bool? sendMessages, bool? requestToSpeak, bool? sendMessagesInThreads, bool? sendTtsMessages, bool? speak, bool? stream, bool? useExternalEmojis, bool? useExternalStickers, bool? useSlashCommands, bool? useVad, bool? viewAuditLog, bool? viewChannel, bool? viewGuildInsights})
PermissionsBuilder.from(Permissions permissions)
Permission builder from existing Permissions object.


addReactions bool?
Allows to add reactions.
read / write
administrator bool?
True if user is administrator.
read / write
attachFiles bool?
True if user can attach files in messages.
read / write
banMembers bool?
True if user can ban members.
read / write
changeNickname bool?
True if user can change nick.
read / write
connect bool?
True if user can connect to voice channel.
read / write
createInstantInvite bool?
True if user can create InstantInvite.
read / write
createPrivateThreads bool?
Allows for creating and participating in private threads.
read / write
createPublicThreads bool?
Allows for creating and participating in threads.
read / write
deafenMembers bool?
True if user can deafen members.
read / write
True if user can send links in messages.
read / write
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
kickMembers bool?
True if user can kick members.
read / write
manageChannels bool?
True if user can manager channels.
read / write
manageEmojisAndStickers bool?
Allows management and editing of emojis & stickers.
read / write
manageEvents bool?
Allows for creating, editing, and deleting scheduled events.
read / write
manageGuild bool?
True if user can manager guilds.
read / write
manageMessages bool?
True if user can manage messages.
read / write
manageNicknames bool?
True if user can manager others nicknames.
read / write
manageRoles bool?
True if user can manage server's roles.
read / write
manageThreads bool?
Allows for deleting and archiving threads, and viewing all private threads.
read / write
manageWebhooks bool?
True if user can manage webhooks.
read / write
mentionEveryone bool?
True if user can mention everyone.
read / write
moderateMembers bool?
Allows for timing out users to prevent them from sending or reacting to messages in chat and threads, and from speaking in voice and stage channels.
read / write
moveMembers bool?
True if user can move members.
read / write
muteMembers bool?
True if user can mute members.
read / write
prioritySpeaker bool?
Allows for using priority speaker in a voice channel.
read / write
raw int?
The raw permission code.
read / write
readMessageHistory bool?
True if user can read messages history.
read / write
requestToSpeak bool?
Allows for requesting to speak in stage channels. (This permission is under active development and may be changed or removed.).
read / write
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
sendMessages bool?
True if user can send messages.
read / write
sendMessagesInThreads bool?
True if user can send messages in threads.
read / write
sendTtsMessages bool?
True if user can send TTF messages.
read / write
speak bool?
True if user can speak.
read / write
stream bool?
Allows the user to go live.
read / write
useExternalEmojis bool?
True if user can use external emojis.
read / write
useExternalStickers bool?
Allows the usage of custom stickers from other servers.
read / write
useSlashCommands bool?
Allows members to use application commands, including slash commands and context menu commands.
read / write
useVad bool?
Allows for using voice-activity-detection in a voice channel.
read / write
viewAuditLog bool?
Allow to view audit logs.
read / write
viewChannel bool?
Allow viewing channels (OLD READ_MESSAGES)
read / write
viewGuildInsights bool?
Allows for viewing guild insights.
read / write


build() RawApiMap
Returns built response for api
calculatePermissionValue() int
Calculates permission int.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.