PermissionsConstants class
Permissions constants
- hashCode → int
The hash code for this object.
- runtimeType → Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
Invocation invocation) → dynamic -
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
) → String -
A string representation of this object.
operator ==(
Object other) → bool -
The equality operator.
Static Properties
- allPermissions → int
All of the permissions.
- addReactions → const int
Allows for the addition of reactions to messages.
1 << 6
- administrator → const int
Given to administrator.
1 << 3
- attachFiles → const int
Allows for uploading images and files.
1 << 15
- banMembers → const int
Allows to ban members.
1 << 2
- changeNickname → const int
Allows for modification of own nickname.
1 << 26
- connect → const int
Allows for joining of a voice channel.
1 << 20
- createInstantInvite → const int
Allows to create instant invite.
1 << 0
- createPrivateThreads → const int
Allows for creating and participating in private threads.
1 << 36
- createPublicThreads → const int
Allows for creating and participating in threads.
1 << 35
- deafenMembers → const int
Allows for deafening of members in a voice channel.
1 << 23
- embedLinks → const int
Links sent by users with this permission will be auto-embedded.
1 << 14
- kickMembers → const int
Allows to kick members.
1 << 1
- manageChannels → const int
Allows to manage channels(renaming, changing permissions)
1 << 4
- manageEmojisAndStickers → const int
1 << 30
- manageEvents → const int
Allows for creating, editing, and deleting scheduled events.
1 << 33
- manageGuild → const int
Allows to manager guild.
1 << 5
- manageMessages → const int
Allows to deletes, edit messages.
1 << 13
- manageNicknames → const int
Allows for modification of other users nicknames.
1 << 27
- manageRoles → const int
Allows management and editing of roles.
1 << 28
- manageThreads → const int
Allows for deleting and archiving threads, and viewing all private threads.
1 << 34
- manageWebhooks → const int
Allows management and editing of webhooks.
1 << 29
- mentionEveryone → const int
Allows for using the @everyone tag to notify all users in a channel, and the @here tag to notify all online users in a channel.
1 << 17
- moderateMembers → const int
Allows for timing out users to prevent them from sending or reacting to messages in chat and threads, and from speaking in voice and stage channels.
1 << 40
- moveMembers → const int
Allows for moving of members between voice channels.
1 << 24
- muteMembers → const int
Allows for muting members in a voice channel.
1 << 22
- prioritySpeaker → const int
Allows for using priority speaker in a voice channel.
1 << 8
- readMessageHistory → const int
Allows for reading of message history.
1 << 16
- requestToSpeak → const int
Allows for requesting to speak in stage channels.
1 << 32
- sendMessages → const int
Allows to send messages.
1 << 11
- sendMessagesInThreads → const int
Allows to send messages in threads.
1 << 38
- sendTtsMessages → const int
Allows to send TTS messages.
1 << 12
- speak → const int
Allows for speaking in a voice channel.
1 << 21
- startEmbeddedActivities → const int
Allows for launching activities in a voice channel.
1 << 39
- stream → const int
Allows the user to go live.
1 << 9
- useExternalEmojis → const int
Allows the usage of custom emojis from other servers.
1 << 18
- useExternalStickers → const int
Allows the usage of custom stickers from other servers.
1 << 37
- useSlashCommands → const int
Allows members to use slash commands in text channels.
1 << 31
- useVad → const int
Allows for using voice-activity-detection in a voice channel.
1 << 25
- viewAuditLog → const int
Allows for viewing of audit logs.
1 << 7
- viewChannel → const int
Allows guild members to view a channel, which includes reading messages in text channels.
1 << 10
- viewGuildInsights → const int
Allows for viewing guild insights.
1 << 19