parseNamed<T> method

Future<T?> parseNamed<T>(
  1. String name

Attempts to parse the value of the option name to a value of type T.

If T is not a supertype of the type of the parameter name in the command callback, an exception is thrown.

If the user has not provided a value for the option name, null is returned.

If no parameter with the name name exists in the command callback, an exception is thrown.

You might also be interested in:

  • parse, for parsing the current option.


Future<T?> parseNamed<T>(String name) async {
  ParameterData<dynamic> parameterData = _functionData.parametersData.singleWhere(
    (element) => == name,
    orElse: () => throw CommandsException(
      'No option with name "$name" found in command ${command.fullName}',

  if (!RuntimeType<T>().isSupertypeOf(parameterData.type)) {
    throw CommandsException('Type $T is not a supertype of ${parameterData.type}');

  String? value = arguments[];

  if (value == null) {
    return null;

  return converters
        StringView(value, isRestBlock: true),
      .then((value) => value as T);