converterFor method Null safety

Converter? converterFor(
  1. Type type,
  2. {bool logWarn = true}

If it exists, get the Converter for a given type.

If no direct converter for the specified Type is found, a FallbackConverter will be assebled with all converters that might be able to provide the requested type indirectly.

If logWarn is true, a warning will be issued when using an assembled converter.


Converter<dynamic>? converterFor(Type type, {bool logWarn = true}) {
  if (_converters.containsKey(type)) {
    return _converters[type]!;

  TypeMirror targetMirror = reflectType(type);

  List<Converter<dynamic>> assignable = [];
  List<Converter<dynamic>> superClasses = [];

  for (final key in _converters.keys) {
    TypeMirror keyMirror = reflectType(key);

    if (keyMirror.isAssignableTo(targetMirror)) {
    } else if (targetMirror.isAssignableTo(keyMirror)) {

  for (final converter in superClasses) {
    // Converters for types that superclass the target type might return an instance of the
    // target type.
    assignable.add(CombineConverter(converter, (superInstance, context) {
      if (reflect(superInstance).type.isAssignableTo(targetMirror)) {
        return superInstance;
      return null;

  if (assignable.isNotEmpty) {
    if (logWarn) {
          .warning('Using assembled converter for type $type. If this is intentional, you '
              'should register a custom converter for that type using '
              '`addConverter(converterFor($type, logWarn: false) as Converter<$type>)`');
    return FallbackConverter(assignable);
  return null;