respond method Null safety

  1. @override
Future<IMessage> respond(
  1. MessageBuilder builder,
  2. {bool private = false,
  3. bool? hidden}

Send a response to the command. This is the same as send but it references the original command.

You can set hidden to true to send an ephemeral response. Setting hidden to a value different that CommandsOptions.hideOriginalResponse will result in unusual behaviour if this method is invoked more than two seconds after command execution starts. Calling acknowledge less than two seconds after command execution starts with the same value for hidden as this invocation will prevent this unusual behaviour from happening.

hidden will override the value of private if both are provided.


Future<IMessage> respond(MessageBuilder builder, {bool private = false, bool? hidden}) async {
  hidden ??= private;

  if (_hasCorrectlyAcked) {
    return interactionEvent.sendFollowup(builder, hidden: hidden);
  } else {
    _hasCorrectlyAcked = true;
    try {
      await interactionEvent.acknowledge(hidden: hidden);
    } on AlreadyRespondedError {
      // interaction was already ACKed by timeout or [acknowledge], hidden state of ACK might not
      // be what we expect
      if (_originalAckHidden != hidden) {
        await interactionEvent
        if (!_originalAckHidden) {
          // If original response was hidden, we can't delete it
          await interactionEvent.deleteOriginalResponse();
    return interactionEvent.sendFollowup(builder, hidden: hidden);