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Nyxx implements caching as is recommended by Discord. This guide lists cache features and pitfalls in the library.

Cache locations

Caches in nyxx are represented as instances of the Cache type, which is effectively a Map with extra features.

Most managers will have a cache for the type of entity they manage, such as client.users.cache or channel.messages.cache. Some managers have extra caches for other related entity types, such as guild.commands.permissionsCache.

If you ever want to inspect all the cached entities for a given client, the Cache.cachesFor method will return a view of all cached entities. Note that modifying the returned map does not affect the caches themselves.

Cache configuration

Caches in nyxx can be configured using the CacheConfig class which is passed to the ClientOptions when creating your client. For entity types that have multiple caches, such as Messages (one cache per TextChannel), the config applies to each cache individually.

You can also manage caches imperatively by calling the Map methods on the cache - cache.clear() will clear a cache, cache.removeWhere can be used for filtering and any other Map method works as expected.

Cache usage

Nyxx provides partial entities that manage most of the caching for you - the SnowflakeEntity.get() method first tries to fetch the entity from its cache before fetching it from the Discord API.

If you want to manually access a cache's entries, the entities in the cache are mapped by their ID.


Entities may be unexpectedly removed from a cache during a cache filter, so we recommend extracting an entity from the cache as early as possible and storing it in a local variable to avoid losing it and needing to re-fetch it.

Cache population

Caches can be populated in two different ways:

  1. Making HTTP requests using a Manager will cache entities returned from the API.

    For example, using client.channels.fetch() will place the returned channel into client.channels.cache.

  2. Entities received over the Gateway will be cached in the relevant manager's cache.

    For example, receiving a MessageCreateEvent will place the message into channel.messages.cache for the message's channel. XXXUpdateEvents will also update the entity in the cache.


Since the cache relies on Gateway XXXUpdateEvents to stay up to date, entities are not removed from the cache based on how long they have been in it - there is no cache expiry.

If you are using a client that does not connect to the Gateway (e.g NyxxRest) or have disabled the intent associated with events for a certain entity type, you might want to set the CacheConfig.maxSize for that entity to 0 (effectively disabling the cache), since entities in the cache will not be updated.

If you do not disable the cache, keep in mind that the cache contents may not be up to date, and use methods that bypass cache checks if an up to date version of the entity is needed.