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This guide assumes you already know how the Discord API and Discord bots work. If you don't, check out Writing your first bot

This guide explains how to perform common actions using nyxx. You can read through it in order, or use the sidebar on the right to jump to a section you want to read.

Connecting to the API

To connect to the Discord API, call one of the static methods on the Nyxx class. These methods come in pairs: a Nyxx.connectXXX method and a Nyxx.connectXXXWithOptions. The connectXXX methods are simply a shorter way to call connectXXXWithOptions.

Calling Nyxx.connectXXX allows you to create a connected client that uses the default API configuration. If you want to configure API options, call connectXXXWithOptions.

There are several method pairs for different client types:

  • Nyxx.connectRest and Nyxx.connectRestWithOptions create a client that performs only HTTP requests using a bot token for authentication.
  • Nyxx.connectGateway and Nyxx.connectGatewayWithOptions create a client that performs HTTP requests and receives events from Discord's Gateway using a bot token for authentication.
  • Nyxx.connectOAuth2 and Nyxx.connectOAuth2WithOptions create a client that performs only HTTP requests using OAuth2 credentials for authentication.

For example, most bots will want to connect to the Gateway:

import 'package:nyxx/nyxx.dart';

void main() async {
final client = await Nyxx.connectGateway('TOKEN', GatewayIntents.allUnprivileged);

All the connection methods also allow you to specify client options that allow you to add plugins to your client and control caching. We recommend adding the logging and cliIntegration plugins to all bots using nyxx:

import 'package:nyxx/nyxx.dart';

void main() async {
final client = await Nyxx.connectGateway(
options: GatewayClientOptions(plugins: [logging, cliIntegration]),

Making API requests

To make requests to Discord's API, nyxx exposes methods on many of the different entity types. Making an API request using them is as simple as calling that method:

final TextChannel channel = /* Get a channel from somewhere */;

// Send a message to that channel
await channel.sendMessage(MessageBuilder(content: 'Hello!'));

If you cannot get an instance of an entity or want to avoid an HTTP request that would be needed to fetch it, nyxx allows you to make API requests using Partials or Managers:

final NyxxRest client = /* Your client */;
final Snowflake guildId = /* The ID of the guild */;

// List the guild's bans using a partial
await client.guilds[guildId].listBans();

// List the guild's bans using the client's guild manager
await client.guilds.listBans(guildId);

Using partials also allows you to access managers that aren't directly available on the client. For example, listing the application (slash) commands in a guild using a partial is much more elegant than using the manager directly:

final NyxxRest client = /* Your client */;
final Snowflake guildId = /* The ID of the guild */;

// List the guild's commands using a partial
await client.guilds[guildId].commands.list();

// List the guild's commands by creating a manager
await GuildApplicationCommandManager(
guildId: guildId,
permissionsConfig: client.commandPermissionsConfig,

Partial text channels

Partials are mostly simple to understand, but there is one exception to this rule: PartialTextChannels.

The NyxxRest.channels manager only provides access to PartialChannels, which don't expose an easy way to send messages to that channel - as it might not be a text channel. Additionally, there is no method in ChannelManager that allows you to send a message to a channel as sending messages is handled by MessageManager.

If we didn't treat this case specially, you'd have to write this to send a message to a channel (without fetching it first):

await MessageManager(
channelId: channelId,
).create(MessageBuilder(content: 'Hello!'));

Therefore, nyxx exceptionally allows you to cast the PartialChannel returned by the ChannelManager to a PartialTextChannel:

await (client.channels[channelId] as PartialTextChannel).sendMessage(
MessageBuilder(content: 'Hello!'),

Only do this if you are certain the channel is a text channel, or calling sendMessage will result in an error.

Listening to events

To listen to events from Discord's Gateway (websocket API), first ensure your client is a NyxxGateway by calling Nyxx.connectGateway or Nyxx.connectGatewayWithOptions when connecting to the API.

Then, listen to any of the onXXX streams on the client objects to run your callback when that event is omitted:

final client = await Nyxx.connectGateway(...);

client.onMessageCreate.listen((event) {
final message = event.message;

print('Received message in ${message.channelId} by ${}');

Most events emitted on these streams (subtypes of DispatchEvent) contain the object relevant to the event (e.g MessageCreateEvent.message) and/or several additional fields with extra information (e.g MessageCreateEvent.mentions).

Most XXXUpdateEvents will also contain the previously cached object if possible.

You can also leverage Dart's powerful Stream API or use them in await for loops:

final client = await Nyxx.connectGateway(...);

await for (final MessageCreateEvent(:message) in client.onMessageCreate) {
print('Received message in ${message.channelId} by ${}');

Advanced events

To listen for events other than DispatchEvents, listen to Gateway.messages. This is a stream of ShardMessages - control messages sent by Gateway shard connections running in separate isolates back to the main client.

The EventReceived message is sent when an event is received on the Gateway of any type, including heartbeak acks and any other gateway event:

final client = await Nyxx.connectGateway(...);

client.gateway.messages.listen((message) {
if (message is! EventReceived) return;

final event = message.event;

print('Received event ${event.opcode.value} (${})');

EventReceived.event will never be an instance of DispatchEvent as the parsing of dispatch events only takes place once the client has processed them.

Instead, RawDispatchEvents are emitted containing the raw event payload.

Command framework

Some Discord libraries come with an in-built commands framework. While nyxx does have a commands framework, it lives in a separate package: nyxx_commands

There is a tutorial for using nyxx_commands here.