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Message components

Message components allow for interactivity between a message sent by a bot and the user receiving it. You can add buttons, links, select menus & multiselects.

Interactions extension

Before you use message components you have to instantiate new instance of the IInteractions class, which is an extension for nyxx that provides slash command and message components functionality:

final bot = NyxxFactory.createNyxxWebsocket("<TOKEN>", GatewayIntents.allUnprivileged);
final interactions = IInteractions.create(WebsocketInteractionBackend(bot));

The IInteractions class contains all the methods and utils needed to send and manage messages with components.

Components (buttons and select menus)

Components (buttons and select menus at the moment) can be created on any message but button events can be listened only from the IInteractions object.

Adding components to message

Components can be created using the ComponentMessageBuilder class from the nyxx_interactions package. It extends the basic MessageBuilder from the nyxx package with an additional addComponent method which allows adding component rows and components to a message.

The following example shows how to create a message with buttons and select menus. These can be sent with any message sent by the bot, including webhooks (provided the bot application also owns the webhook):

final singleCommand = SlashCommandBuilder("help", "This is example help command", [])
..registerHandler((event) async {
// All "magic" happens via ComponentMessageBuilder class that extends MessageBuilder
// from main nyxx package. This new builder allows to create message with components.
final componentMessageBuilder = ComponentMessageBuilder();

// There are two types of button - regular ones that can be responded to an interaction
// and url button that only redirects to specified url.
// Here we are focusing on regular button that we can respond to.
// Label is what user will see on button, customId is id that we ca use later to
// catch button event and respond to, and style is what kind of button we want create.
final componentRow = ComponentRowBuilder()
..addComponent(ButtonBuilder("This is button label", "thisisid", ButtonStyle.success))
..addComponent(ButtonBuilder("This is another button", "thisisid2", ButtonStyle.success))
..addComponent(ButtonBuilder("This is a disabled button", "thisisid3", ButtonStyle.danger)
..disabled = true,

// Then component row can be added to message builder and sent to user.
// You MUST add content to the MessageBuilder class, otherwise, Discord will throw an error.
componentMessageBuilder.addComponentRow(componentRow..content = 'Hey, I got buttons!');
await event.respond(componentMessageBuilder);

Of course, you can do this with a select menu.
final singleCommand = SlashCommandBuilder("help", "This is example help command", [])
..registerHandler((event) async {
// All "magic" happens via ComponentMessageBuilder class that extends MessageBuilder
// from main nyxx package. This new builder allows to create message with components.
final componentMessageBuilder = ComponentMessageBuilder();

// Adding selects is as easy as adding buttons. Use MultiselectBuilder with custom id
// and list of multiselect options.
final componentRow = ComponentRowBuilder()
..addComponent(MultiselectBuilder("customId", [
MultiselectOptionBuilder("example option 1", "option1"),
MultiselectOptionBuilder("example option 2", "option2"),
MultiselectOptionBuilder("example option 3", "option3"),
// Then component row can be added to message builder and sent to user.
// You MUST add content to the MessageBuilder class, otherwise, Discord will throw an error.
componentMessageBuilder.addComponentRow(componentRow..content = 'Hey, I got a select menu!');
await event.respond(componentMessageBuilder);

Or add a custom placeholder:
final componentRow = ComponentRowBuilder()
..addComponent(MultiselectBuilder("customId", [
MultiselectOptionBuilder("example option 1", "option1"),
MultiselectOptionBuilder("example option 2", "option2"),
MultiselectOptionBuilder("example option 3", "option3"),
// Use the setter `placeholder` to set a custom placeholder
..placeholder = "A custom placeholder",

componentMessageBuilder.addComponentRow(componentRow..content = 'Hey, I got a select menu!');
await event.respond(componentMessageBuilder);

You can even disable the select menu:
final componentRow = ComponentRowBuilder()
..addComponent(MultiselectBuilder("customId", [
MultiselectOptionBuilder("example option 1", "option1"),
MultiselectOptionBuilder("example option 2", "option2"),
MultiselectOptionBuilder("example option 3", "option3"),
// Use the setter `disabled` to disable the select menu
..disabled = true,

componentMessageBuilder.addComponentRow(componentRow..content = 'Hey, I got a select menu!');
await event.respond(componentMessageBuilder);

Listening to component events

If your custom id doesn't hold specific data, you can use IInteractions.registerButtonHandler or IInteractions.registerMultiselectHandler to listen for specific events. If your custom id for the component holds, for example, state data you can listen to or events and then handle the interaction yourself.

// To handle button interaction you need need function that accepts
// ButtonInteractionEvent as parameter. Since button event is interaction like
// slash command it needs to acknowledged and/or responded.
// If you know that command handler would take more that 3 second to complete
// you would need to acknowledge and then respond later with proper result.
Future<void> buttonHandler(ButtonInteractionEvent event) async {
await event.acknowledge(); // ack the interaction so we can send response later

// Send followup to button click with id of button
await event.sendFollowup(MessageBuilder.content(
"Button pressed with id: ${event.interaction.customId}")

// Handling multiselect events is no different from handling button.
// Only thing that changes is type of function argument -- it now passes information
// about values selected with multiselect
Future<void> multiselectHandlerHandler(MultiselectInteractionEvent event) async {
await event.acknowledge(); // ack the interaction so we can send response later

// Send followup to button click with id of button
await event.sendFollowup(MessageBuilder.content(
"Options chosen with values: ${event.interaction.values}")

void main() {
final bot = NyxxFactory.createNyxxWebsocket("<TOKEN>", GatewayIntents.allUnprivileged);
..registerSlashCommand(singleCommand) // Register created before slash command
..registerButtonHandler("thisisid", buttonHandler) // register handler for button with id: thisisid
..registerMultiselectHandler("customId", multiselectHandlerHandler) // register handler for multiselect with id: customId
..syncOnReady(); // This is needed if you want to sync commands on bot startup.